Platinum with Vitamin E

Nurse Name: Claire Murphy

Patient Care Setting: Care home in the Portsmouth area

Patient Overview: Female patient aged 81. She has an ileostomy and has had a stoma for 5 years plus. She has reduced mobility, sitting for most of the day. She is using a Coloplast Sensura Flat Pouch cut to 25mm.

Problem: She has sore skin around peristome area, despite using barrier wipe. She has been having leaks from her stoma pouch.

Suspected Cause: Her stomas has retracted. It is now very flush to the skin.

Course of treatment: I have given her a Pelican Convex pouch with Vitamin E to soothe the skin and to also help to prevent further leakage due to convex pouch for retracted stoma. The bag is cut to 25mm.

Interventions/complications? Nursing home staff report no further leaks since change from flat pouch to convex pouch. She is still using the barrier wipe.

Outcome: Pouch resolved issue of sore skin on leakages. She is now using a Pelican Convex as her regular pouch. As skin has completely healed she is using Pelican Convex Standard (not Vit E).

Conclusions: It is costing less as bags are not requiring to be changed as often as there have been no leakages. She is now using 318425.

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