Platinum with Vitamin E

At 85 years old, Paul found himself bed bound following an ileostomy operation and needed a solution to help get him back on his feet.

The solution was Platinum with Vitamin E. 10 months after the operation, he was suffering from extremely sore skin and found it impossible to get his pouches to stick properly.

This meant that he had leakage from the pouches causing more soreness and pain every day. Platinum with Vitamin E has made a huge difference to his comfort.

Once Paul started using Platinum with Vitamin E, the leakage stopped completely and his skin was almost healed within one week.

Paul was reviewed on a weekly basis and the treatment was a complete success increasing comfort and reducing the number of pouches being used and bought!

After trying Platinum with Vitamin E Paul commented on how quickly his skin had healed and how ‘it all feels so comfortable now’.

*Case study name changed to protect privacy

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